I’m delighted to welcome you to my website – it’s a pleasure to have you here!
Sent to the nations:
The primary goal of the Mission is to equip people with skills and prepare them for ministry and discipleship, in order to spread the Kingdom of God and participate in God’s harvest among all generations and nations.
The Mission strives for God to be exalted in the lives of people, in nations, and throughout the Earth, and for His will to be fulfilled here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Kingdom of God is among us (Luke 17:21).
Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. (Psalm 2:8).
Sent to the nations:
The primary goal of the Mission is to equip people with skills and prepare them for ministry and discipleship, in order to spread the Kingdom of God and participate in God’s harvest among all generations and nations.
The Mission strives for God to be exalted in the lives of people, in nations, and throughout the Earth, and for His will to be fulfilled here on Earth as it is in Heaven.
The Kingdom of God is among us (Luke 17:21).
Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. (Psalm 2:8)
this is how you can help
Discover how goodness and joy multiply when you share them, bringing smiles to the faces of those who need it most.

Trip to Uganda – January 2025
In 2023, God showed me that He wants to send a team that will multidimensionally expand the Kingdom of God by supporting the work of Polish missionary Agnieszka Musinguzi Żukowska in Uganda. We organized a camp for her Ugandan children and staff, taking them to a beautiful location where the children could experience the trip of a lifetime and participate in fun activities and creative workshops. With a few exceptions, the children had never left their village, and this short journey was like a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for them. Before the camp, I also trained Agnieszka and Honi Wąsowska’s team for two days.
In 2025, our mission will continue its current tasks, expanding our work and equipping people in the region through teaching about the Power of the Cross.
up to date
The Cieszyn Silesia Mission continues
We support the team of leaders from Jedno SCI and serve the church in the region by organizing meetings for youth to equip them, as well as prayer gatherings for the region. We are also planning another training session for children’s ministry in September.

(Mark 16:15)