School of Supernatural
of Children's Ministry

The SSCM School was created by Becky Fischer, the founder of Kids in Ministry International, equipping children and teenagers to move in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
KIMI supports transformational processes in ministering to the youngest generation in the Church.
Becky is the author of the school, as well as excellent textbooks and books for children, teenagers, parents, and church leaders.

Level 1
(School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry):

  1. Evaluation: Church and Ministry Among Children

  2. New Wineskin for Children’s Ministry

  3. Children as the Mission Field of the Church

  4. Children and the Holy Spirit

  5. Tabernacle Model

  6. Winning Children’s Hearts Through Play

  7. Creative Teaching

  8. How to Introduce Children to God’s Presence

  9. How to Lead Worship with Children

  10. Children and the Bible

  11. How to Prepare Activities

  12. Is Discipline Necessary?

  13. Questions and Answers

  14. Practical Session in Teams – 2 hours

  15. Certificates of Completion for SSCM, Level 1

  16. Joint Prayer, Practicing Listening to God, and Time Together in God’s Presence

Additional Topics:
Missionary Service




Level 2
(School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry):

  1. Children in Times of Revival

  2. How to Hear God’s Voice?

  3. The Power of Praying in Other Tounges.

  4. How to Ignite Children’s Hearts for Prayer.

  5. What Prophets Say About This and the Coming Generation.

  6. Prophetic Children in History.

  7. How the Kingdom of Darkness Operates – A Context for Children.

  8. Children and God’s Glory.

  9. Children and God’s Power.

  10. The Spiritual World of Autistic Children.

  11. The Supernatural World of This Generation.

  12. Leading Children Through the Spirit World.

  13. Children and Deliverance.

  14. Foundations of the Word in Children’s Ministry.

  15. The Secrets of Dreams: Children and Dreams.

Sessions by Iza Szafraniec
Let’s Be Full of the Holy Spirit.
Experience in Ministry.

Level 3
(School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry):

  1. How to Develop a Biblical Worldview in Our Children
  2. Circumcision of the New Generation.
  3. Is Ministry Among Children a Biblical Ministry?
  4. The Concept of Revolutionary Parenting.
  5. Can We Raise Spiritual Victors?
  6. Why They Follow and Why They Stray?
  7. Infants and God.
  8. Preschoolers and God.
  9. The Father’s Blessing.
  10. Eyes Focused on Generation Z.
  11. Identifying Created Identity – The Issue of Gender Identity.
  12. Single Parenting.
  13. A Holy and Righteous Generation.
  14. Family and God’s Presence.
  15. Speaking the Language of the Spirit in Our Homes.

Sessions by Iza Szafraniec.
Parenting in a Historical Context.
The Principle of the Right and Left Hand.
Watchmen and Intercessors: Who Prays for Your Children?

School Reading: “Reformation of Children’s Ministry in the 21st Century” by Becky Fischer

I invite you to organize the school in your region, city, or church.
Typically, it consists of 2 sessions on Friday and Saturday, or it can be held over 3 days.

A Few Words About Us

For several years, we have been conducting Sunday meetings, day camps, and retreats for children, participating in various training programs. The Kid's in Ministry training convinced us to implement changes in our ministry, resulting in significant positive effects in our work with children. The new model of meetings encourages children to open up to the work of the Holy Spirit much more than during traditional Bible lessons. We highly recommend this training to anyone who teaches children, as well as to parents who desire to guide their little ones into a life in Christ.
Malwina i Leszek
Participating in the School of Spiritual Ministry for Children was a valuable experience for us, allowing not only for the acquisition of knowledge but also for practical learning on how to teach children to become disciples of Jesus. We received specific tools for conducting ministry among children and experienced how God transforms our hearts and plans. Izabella Szafraniec shared her passion and experience, speaking about missionary work. We are grateful to God for what we will see in the lives of the next generation, believing that the Name of the Lord will be exalted.
Jola Liske
The Rock Wrocław
Od kilkunastu lat prowadzimy spotkania niedzielne oraz półkolonie i rekolekcje dla dzieci. Uczestniczyliśmy w wielu szkoleniach, ale to Kid's in Ministry utwierdziło nas w potrzebie zmian w naszej służbie. Zmieniliśmy podejście do przyprowadzania dzieci do Bożej obecności i zauważyliśmy ogromne pozytywne zmiany po wprowadzeniu nowego modelu spotkań. Dzieci bardziej otwierają się na działanie Ducha Świętego, otrzymując więcej niż na tradycyjnych zajęciach. Wierzymy, że szkoła ta jest niezwykle wartościowa dla nauczycieli, rodziców i każdego, kto pragnie prowadzić dzieci do życia w Chrystusie.
Malwina i Leszek Szlaur